Update on church services:
The news about the coronavirus has all of us wondering how to move forward. What will life be like? Where will we go? Our governor made the announcement today that there are to be no public gatherings of more than 100 in attendance. This combined with the announcement that all schools are closed for the next few weeks, calls for us to change how we do church at Viewmont.
We are blessed as the family of God at Viewmont Baptist to have the gift of a live television broadcast on WHKY and the capability of streaming our worship service on Youtube. This is a unique opportunity to continue to be the presence of Christ and offer a word of hope, allowing the glory of God to radiate off our campus into Hickory and beyond.
Therefore, Sunday morning worship will continue specifically for a television and streaming broadcast. Please stay home and stay well. There will be a small group in the sanctuary to lead worship for TV and YouTube.
Beginning tomorrow, there will be no Sunday School and no other meetings, gatherings, or services at Viewmont Baptist. This includes Wednesday evening services.
This presents us at Viewmont with a wonderful gift and opportunity: to be the presence of Christ and to follow in faith during a time of great fear. What is wonderful to keep in mind is that just as our God neither slumbers nor sleeps, and this present situation is no surprise to God, the ministry of the church continues as well. Though our in-person gatherings will be limited, we can still gather through the benefit of technology. Gather for prayer. Gather for worship. Gather for service to our Lord.
Soli Deo Gloria…
Dr. Andrew S. Rawls
Senior Pastor, Viewmont Baptist Church